Project Overview
To learn more about the Tenas Project, see the resources below
- The Tenas Project is in the Bulkley Nechako region, 25 km south of Smithers and 7 km southwest of Telkwa, BC. The area was historically mined between 1918 and 1985 using underground and surface mining methods.

- The Tenas Project entered the British Columbia Environmental Assessment process in November 2018, with the submission of the Project Description. The Project will produce approximately 775,000 to 825,000 tonnes of steelmaking coal annually, with a mine life of about 25 years including construction, operations, and reclamation phases. The Project is undergoing a comprehensive regulatory review and Project details will be further refined and modified using inputs gathered during this review.
- The steelmaking coal would be shipped on the CN rail line to Prince Rupert’s Ridley Terminal for export to steel mills – most likely in Asia.
- Any material changes to the Project’s planned activities in the future will require additional Wet’suwet’en, community, and regulatory reviews.
- We look forward to continuing the open dialogue with our neighbours to address community questions, and developing the Tenas Project responsibly, and respectfully.

To learn more about the Tenas Project, see the resources below: